Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reader Challenge--March Winner & April Challenge

Our reader challenges just keep getting better. March was our best response yet! Our March winner was...

Kelli S!!!

Kelli's suggestion was: "How to pack for a spring break vacation while still fitting all of my fashionista requirements (shoes, clothes, accessories and makeup) into a small bag since airlines charge so much for baggage these days."

Thanks Kelli for your fabulous suggestion! Keep your eyes peeled for a great prize! 

The rest of you...keep your eyes peeled for this post!

And, with the announcement of our March winner, the April Reader Challenge has begun! 
In order to enter the contest, simply email us at with ideas for blog posts you'd like to see on The Accessorized Life. Make sure to include a brief description of your idea so that we're sure to caption your vision!

If you would like to enter, please send us an email in the following format:

E-mail address:
Mailing Address:

All submissions received before April 30th will be considered for our April contest. The winner of the April contest will be announced in the first week of May. The winning post will also appear early in May.

Remember...there is a fabulous prize for each month's winner! February's prize was

Amanda M., we hope you love it! We'd love to see a picture of you wearing it.

We look forward to receiving your April submissions. Good luck!


  1. You should be!! Prize will be in the mail sometime in the next few weeks. :)
