Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ask the Expert #1: Hair Care

Lately, I've been getting the most outrageous knots in my hair. They get so bad that I like to call them "dread-knots." (Like dreadlocks...get it?) I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in washing my hair every day--I feel that it gets too dried out, and, to be honest, it takes me far too long to blow dry my very long, very thick hair. Now, the dread knots would typically come around after the 2nd or 3rd day of not washing my hair...but, when I don't wash it, I keep it straight, and very often, I end up pulling it back.

The knots would get so bad that I was literally tearing my hair out...to unknot it, I had to rip at it. I was at my wits end.

So, I contacted my favorite hair care professional...the amazing stylist who cuts both my hair and Lauren's hair...Carla!

I asked her what she would recommend to fix my predicament. She told me that she likes to keep haircare simple--she's not a fan of using a ton of product. That being said, she recommended some items to help moisturize, which should help eliminate my dread-knots. At her recommendation, I purchased a new shampoo, conditioner, hair brush, and a shine spray. She also recommended a spray that protects your hair from heat and helps to speed up blow drying--but I had been using this one for a few years, as she had recommended it to me before. (Product links at bottom of post.)

So...I used them. The first time around, I followed the directions on the conditioner and left it in for 3 minutes before rinsing. It made my hair feel like it was heavy--almost like I hadn't washed all of the product out. But, other than that, I was dread-knot free. Day 1...still frizzy, but better. Admittedly, I didn't use the flatiron on day 1. Days 2 & 3 (flatiron now used), no dread-knots. Awesome!

Round 2...I didn't leave the conditioner in for as long...mostly because I zoned out in the shower and forgot. But, my hair didn't feel like it still had product in it. Bonus! I used the flatiron from day 1 this time. By day 3, the dread-knot returned.

Round 3...again, no knots. I also used the flatiron on the second day. Maybe that's the key?

Honestly, I just think I'm in dire need of a haircut. (My ends are so split...probably from ripping out all of my dread-knots.) But, I'm hoping to donate my hair (I did it in June 2012), so I'm looking to avoid getting a haircut.

All in all, I love the shampoo & conditioner. They smell good, they seem to work well, and my hair is soft. The brush is good--it doesn't hurt when I brush it out like it did with my old paddle brush. It's a keeper. I like the heat protecting spray, but I always feel like that it makes my hair more frizzy. But, I use it anyway, as it helps to decrease drying time...and with hair like mine (I swear, it's like a horse's tail it's so thick!) any little help is appreciated! And, the shine spray...well, it makes my hair shiny. What's not to like?

Nexxus Therappe Shampoo
Nexxus Humectress Conditioner
The Wet Brush
KMS California Free Shape Quick Blowdry Spray
TIGI Bed Head Headrush Shine Spray

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Email us at theaccessorizedlife@gmail.com

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