Friday, March 21, 2014

A Little Spring Organizing

In case you missed it, the calendar says it's spring! Too bad Mother Nature hasn't agreed!  Despite the temperature slowly creeping up the thermometer, it's definitely time for some spring cleaning and organizing.  A few weeks ago (maybe months), Stacy told me about how the clutter in her closet was getting to her, but she felt incredibly overwhelmed about where and how to start the project of cleaning and organizing her closet.  I promptly offered my help. (I'm a master organizer, if you didn't know!)  It just took us a little while to coordinate our schedules. This week, I finally went over to Stacy's to rescue her from the disaster that has been her closet.  Stacy is great at a lot of things, but well, organizing is not one of them! (Love you!!!)

Upon arrival to her house I found this:

Before: you could barely walk in her walk in closet!!

Let me just say... Oy. Vey.

Stacy and I spent the next hour and a half (the time flew by, which is why I love organizing with people!!) putting everything in it's rightful place.  The boots/shoes that were sprawled all over the floor were tucked neatly under the clothes.  Many may be wondering: "How do you decide what clothes should go where?"  That's really a personal decision.  I can only say that once you make that decision, stick by it. It will make it easier when getting dressed if all pants, dresses, shirts, blazers, skirts are in separate areas of your closet.  Even the smallest of closets (and trust me, mine is not nearly as big as Stacy's) deserves organization for all your stuff!  I go so far in my closet as to color coordinate my shirts (Stacy does that with her pants!).

Here is the final result of our efforts:

After:  Everything in it's rightful place!! 
I'm of the firm believer that if you don't wear something within a year, donate it.  Get rid of the clutter in your closet, it makes it easier to find the clothes you love and wear!  She and I went through her boots/shoes and she decided to give a bag full away.  Also, she had certain clothes that she planned on giving away, so they went in bags, which she can drop off at a donation spot this week.

All told, we had 6 bags of garbage; one bag of shoes/boots to donate; and three bags of clothing, including suits, and formal dresses to donate as well! Formal dresses can go to schools for their students who need dresses for proms.  Suits can be donated to organizations that help woman (or men) find suits for job interviews.  Other clothing you can donate to your favorite charity!  You will feel great giving your clothes to those who need it and it will give you room to get new clothing! That's a win-win in my book.

I hope eversone is ready for spring in their own way and is most definitely tackling some spring cleaning/organizing!! Good luck to you and I hope you have someone to help you with your project!!


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