Princess & Budget in 1981 |
Believe it or not, friends, we here at The Accessorized Life are celebrating our first birthday! In order to celebrate, we're letting you in on a conversation between Princess and myself.
Budget: Can you believe that it's been a year that we've been writing this blog? It seems like just yesterday that our only followers were us, our moms and my husband.
Princess: I know! At least now we have a whomping 14 followers! Ha! In my mind we have lots of "followers," they are just too shy to declare their love! But, they shouldn't be so shy--we are welcoming to anyone who loves accessories as much as we do.
Budget: True story. I just wish that some of our 14 followers weren't our friends...But, whether we've only got our friends and family reading our posts or even if we're the only ones reading them, I'm still glad we're doing this blog. It's been a fun year, huh?
Princess: Most definitely! I'm not sure what I love more, coming up with ideas for posts or the shopping we do for our posts. What about you, what do you love most about it?
Budget: Hmm...tough call, my friend. I love, love, love writing the posts. I love our brainstorming sessions! (Although, we have to stop coming up with ideas we never use...) But, I really, really love our shopping sessions. What could be better than combining one of my favorite activities with one of my favorite people?
Princess: I do love our brainstorming sessions...and, don't worry, I've started keeping records of our ideas, that way we have a chance of using most of them. I hope! Which was your favorite post this year?
Budget: Good question. After re-reading all of our old posts, I found that there are a lot of really funny ones in there that I had totally forgotten about! But, I think that my favorite post of the past year was actually a post from last month--our Top Finds Under $25, $50 & $75 post. But, I've also loved doing the "Daily Shoe" (of course) and I loved doing the Outfit of the Month. However, the reason I didn't pick the Outfit of the Month is because by the end it felt more like a chore and less like fun. I would like to revive that one periodically though. You?
Princess: I agree about it feeling more like a chore in the end. I think we should definitely revive it, maybe seasonally? I also went through all the old posts the other day. One of my favorites is the post about donating my hair because it is so personal to me. I also love the recent one we did regarding our "top finds," and I love when we confess to our obsessions!
Budget: I feel like I'm letting the world in on my dirty little secrets when we confess to our obsessions! Ha ha ha ha ha....You know what post totally makes me laugh? The one about the resurgence of 80s fashion. Actually, so does the post about the exploding shoes. And, I enjoy the post about your scarves! Ok, so I really love all of our posts. Is that so wrong? Oh, and I agree about reviving it...seasonal is good, but I think maybe we should just do it whenever we have a good theme--like "back to school" outfits (not that I'm suggesting going shopping this month or anything, seriously...) or "wedding wear" for the summer (yes, I know that was your idea!).
Princess: Get out of my brain! I was totally thinking we should do a "back to school" outfit! Guess we have to go shopping soon since back to school is, well, now!
Budget: Hello...I live in your brain! Sadly, I know all too well that back to school is now. Maybe a shopping trip this week is in order? I want to do more "What Would The Accessorized Life Do" posts as well. Those are fun.
Princess: Well, shopping trips are always in order! I can't wait for what the next year will bring! Our brainstorming sessions have been great lately. But, I don't want to reveal too much--I want to surprise our 14 followers!
Budget: Oh, how sad...only 14! Agree--definitely don't let the cat(s) out of the bag, yet! We need something to keep our...14...readers coming back. (Of course, we do appreciate and
LOVE each of those 14 and appreciate their loyal following!) By the way, just read the tights post. Love that one, too. It was a good first year, huh?
Princess: It was a great year, and with our promise to be more active, next year will only be better!
Budget & Princess
2010 |
Budget: How could it not be? We've got ideas coming out of our ears (no, that was not a hint about a post on earrings...although if you wanted to do that, I have no doubt that you've got a bevy of earrings to showcase!), we're super pumped about getting the blog up and running again after our busy summers, and we've survived our first year of blogdom!
Princess: Ha! I can't wait for all that's to come. I must thank you, Budget, for making the blog so much fun! It's great to have a partner in blogging..;-)
Budget: I second that! Here's to another great year! And, here's hoping that someone will email us with questions, comments....even some spam would be nice.
To those of you out there reading, remember you can contact us anytime at
theaccessorizedlife@gmail.com! Thanks for making our first year such a fun, fabulous success. Here's a link to our very first blog post, so that you can get nostalgic along with us:
Hope you enjoy our next year of blogging as much as we certainly will!